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What are drugs?

Drugs are very addicting medicines or a substance that is very addicting and messes with the body and mind. People that are addicted to drugs can lose families,friends, jobs,money,and sometimes his or her life. Alcohol,cigarettes,snuff,cigars,medicine,marijuana,cocaine,ecstasy,and many more.Being addicted to something means your body acts differently to other people.How do you know someone is addicted,you see them with their mood swings, impaired judgement,dizziness,and more. 

The symptoms of marijuana are loss of memory, bloodshot eyes, poor coordination,poor reaction timing,loss of control,dry mouth, and many more.  The symptoms of cocaine are enlarged pupils to the point they almost look entirely black, loss of energy, weight loss,dramatic mood swings,heart rate increases, nasal congestion, and more! There are many symptoms for many drugs,but it is up to you to quit. 

It is hard to get off of ,but it is not impossible.You can still stop addiction by talking to doctors,get new hobbies,avoid people who smoke,avoid stuff that triggers smoking, and other bad habits. Smoking can lead to many different things and can lead to many bad things.You can also ask for family members to help you.

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